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Template for submission of documentation for the single technology assessment of pharmaceuticals





  • : Health Technology Developers must now notify NOMA of planned STA submissions 2-3 months in advance instead of 2 weeks.
  • : Revised template and new documentation for submssion of STA

Documentation must be submitted in accordance with these templates and the submission guidelines.

NOMA has revised the guidelines and templates.

The templates are based on Guidelines for the submission of documentation for single technology assessment (STA) of medicinal products and will be kept updated in accordance with the valid version of the guidelines. The templates were last updated November 2023.

These documents must be read together with the submission guidelines.

In addition, these documents may be used to support the submission. 
Budget impact template (pre-filled example) (excel)
Tools for severity calculation and age adjustment (excel)

Health Technology Developers should notify NOMA, by email, of the planned submission date 2-3 months prior to submitting documentation for STA. This will enable NOMA to plan and allocate resources accordingly.


The documentation is submitted by e-mail to:, with a copy to either (medicinal products funded by the National Insurance Scheme) or (medicinal products funded by the Regional Health Authorities).

If the documentation exceeds the file size limits for e-mail, Eudralink and Cesp may be used.

It is important to include the following information in the e-mail: Brand name and active substance, and Nordic package number covered by the documentation. 

File formatting and naming conventions are detailed in the submission checklist document.

File names cannot exceed 42 characters due to technical requirements. Use abbreviations if necessary.