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Horizon scanning and assessment requests





Horizon scanning and assessment requests help identify novel health technologies that may be beneficial for patients.

Page contents

    What is a horizon scan?

    A horizon scan is a short description of a new health technology, including current evidence for efficacy and safety. A horizon scan alert is not a single or health technology assessment, but a brief description at an early stage.

    A horizon scan may pertain to a novel area of use of an existing health technology, e.g. a new medical indication. You can find approved indications in our medicine database (Legemiddelsøk).

    At the Norwegian Medical Products Agency, we prepare and publish horizon scan alerts for novel medications (active ingredients) and extensions of therapeutic indications covered by the national insurance scheme (Folketrygden). Financing decisions are made by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

    We do not update horizon scan alerts. Therefore, our alerts may be out of date, for example in the event of a change in regulatory status.

    All horizon scan alerts are published at Horizon scanning and request for assessment and MedNytt


    From May 2023, NOMA only alerts of new pharmaceuticals funded by the national insurance scheme (blå resept), not those funded through the specialist healthcare services. A request for assessment of the latter category must be submitted​ to Nye metoder. Read more about how to request a single technology assessment or reassessment.

    Switch to the Norwegian webpage to see a list of published horizon scan alerts.

    Medical devices

    Anyone can request an assessment of novel medical devices to Nye metoder. Read more about horizon scans of medical devices and requesting an assessment from Nye metoder (only available in Norwegian).