European paediatric formulary
Den norske farmakopékommisjonen anbefaler at Pediatrisk formelsamling, Paed. Forms, anvendes for fremstilling av preparater til barn når det finnes tekster for dette.
Det forutsettes at det finnes tilgjengelig råvare med riktig kvalitet. Nye tilgjengelig formularer legges til når de er godkjent.
Definition - engelsk
The European Paediatric Formulary is a freely available, pan-European collection of formulations for extemporaneous preparations that are currently described in national formularies and formulations which are already well-established in European countries. The aim is to give pharmacists and clinicians access to formulations of appropriate quality, allowing preparation of a medicinal product when no licensed alternative is available on the market. The project was launched by the European Committee on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Care (CD-P-PH) and the European Pharmacopoeia Commission (for which the EDQM provides the scientific secretariats). The Formulary is intended to be a user-friendly, science-based online tool providing access to a collection of child-appropriate formulations.
Følgende formularer er godkjent til bruk
F0022 Amiodarone hydrochoride capsules (5-200 mg)
F0010 Chloral hydrate 100 mg/ml oral solution
F0018 Clonidine hydrochloride 10 micrograms/ml oral solution
F0021 Flecainide actetate 10 mg/ml oral solution
F0003 Furosemide 2 mg/ml oral solution
F0001 Hydrochlorothiazide 0.5 mg/ml oral solution
F0011 Phosphate 60 mg/ml oral solution
F0008 Simple syrup (preservative free)
F0002 Sotalol hydrochloride 20 mg/ml oral solution
F0023 Valaciclovir 20 mg/ml oral solution